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Who we are

We, queerMaschen, are a colourful bunch of people who have been knitting and crocheting every week since the beginning of 2016.

Horst and Evelyn have initiated queerMaschen, an open platform for those who have a casual approach to crocheting and knitting – or want to (re)discover it.

Since then, we have become a larger group, which continues to meet every Wednesday – mostly in the Magdas Hotel, and other places. More information and what we have done so far (eg at previous rainbow parades) can be found on our queerMaschen website.

What we want

This year, Vienna is the venue for Europride, a two-week LGBTQIA+ community* festival that takes place every year in a different city in Europe. At the the parade on June 15 alone, organisers are expecting between 300,000 and 500,000 visitors.

We would like to take Europride 2019 and its motto „Together & Proud“ an opportunity to bring the LGBTQIA+ community and the yarny community together through different projects, to create new connections and to strengthen all participants.

* Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, + all other sexualities, sexes, and genders that are not included in these few letters

What we plan

In order to be able to organize and implement everything well, we have already prepared a lot together (foundation, logo, website, merchandising, etc.) and there is much more to come.

There are many ideas, some are already planned. A project – the #squeeralong for a rickshaw – is already very concrete. Such projects can be found under the menu item of the same name. If you do not want to miss information and news, please look in the menu item „News„.

Who and what we need

We invite all those with LGBTQIA +  and wool/fiber issues at heart, to connect with us with ideas, time, energy, donations / sponsorships etc. to support

What we give, whom we support

We do not work for profit and try to keep the financial burden as low as possible. Therefore, we are also looking forward to supporting others through donations and sponsoring.

We want all of our projects‘ profits and fundraising to go to charitable LGBTQIA+ organizations. Depending on the success, we will decide with our allies exactly which organization(s) that will be.